influenza vaccination 2023/2024
- The influenza vaccination is the best protection against the influenza.
- People who are in contact with people over 65 years old or sick people and babies should be vaccinated.
- The Vaccination is also recommended for elderly people over 65 and people who want to reduce their risk of the influenza virus.
- The vaccination at the Herti pharmacy in Zug only takes 10 minutes and you can register conveniently online.
Grippeimpfung in der Herti Apotheke
The influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for people who have professional or private contact with sick or elderly people and babies. A flu vaccination is also recommended for older people aged 65 and over and for those with chronic illnesses.
If you want to reduce the risk of catching the influenza for professional and/or private reasons, you can also get the influenza vaccine.
When should the influenza vaccination be given?
The ideal time for the vaccination is between mid-October and mid-November. People who do not belong to the risk group can also be vaccinated at a later date. Full vaccination protection is achieved after 10-14 days.
Tip: Bring your vaccination booklet with you to the vaccination so that we can check your vaccination status.
registration & costs
Your time required: 10 minutes
influenza vaccination costs: CHF 25.00 eclusive vaccine, including documentation, administration and entry in the vaccination card
You do not need to register for the influenza vaccination. However, you are welcome to pre-register via our online booking tool or by telephone:
If there is no free date available in the online booking tool, please contact us by phone.
phone number: 041 711 85 00
- Children and adolescents can only be vaccinated in pharmacies from the age of 16.
- A doctor's confirmation is required for pregnant women.
- We are not allowed to vaccinate people with autoimmune diseases or those who require immunosuppressive therapy in the pharmacy.
Certified vaccination pharmacy: The Herti pharmacy is an official vaccination pharmacy. Our pharmacy has been inspected by the cantonal health authorities and we meet all the requirements to ensure that vaccinations can be administered safely and easily. There is a clear, prescribed procedure for the vaccination and all steps are documented. This means we can guarantee your safety and comply with safety standards.